
Second Wind Writing Groups ~ Getting to Know with and withless ~

For some time now I’ve been reflecting on the essence and presence of these contrasting atmospheres. The word withless came to me; I doubt it will be found in any dictionary.

A sense of with suggests a feeling of accompaniment, of shared connection where something can grow, be fostered, and encouraged to find its way.

A sense of withless is different from without; withless manifests in a hollow empty rain barrel feeling of isolation, nullity, and stasis.

These feeling states can exist when one is alone or in the company of others.

They can be recalled from childhood and sometimes appear in dreams. They often catch us by surprise then disappear quickly, or settle in for sustained periods of time.

This Second Wind Writing Group will explore these two atmospheres through right-brain writing strategies using poetry, images, and excerpts from literature as catalysts.

There will be two groups, one to meet on Zoom, the other in person. Location in north Seattle TBA when you register. Fee for both groups is $150

Group on Zoom:

March 1st, 8th & 15th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm

Group in Person:

March 7th, 21st, & April 4th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

To register, or if you have questions, contact me at jcfiset@gmail.com

or call or text 206 . 949 . 1837